
start or webpack-start is a command-line tool that starts the React Native development server with Webpack integration.


In the root of an existing React Native project with re.pack, run this command in your terminal of choice:

react-native start [options]



  • Type: number

The port number that runs the server on.


  • Type: string
  • Default: ""

Set the server host.


  • Type: boolean

Enables HTTPS connections to the server.


  • Type: string

Path to custom SSL key.


  • Type: string

Path to custom SSL certificate.


  • Type: boolean

Disables interactive mode.


  • Type: boolean

Enable the new debugger experience. Connection reliability and some basic features are unstable in this release.


  • Type: boolean

Log all messages to the console/stdout in JSON format.


  • Type: string

Enables file logging to specified file.


  • Type: boolean

ADB reverse port on starting devServers only for Android.


  • Type: boolean

Silences all logs to the console/stdout.


  • Type: boolean

Enables verbose logging.


  • Type: string

Path to a Webpack config file.

-h, --help

Display help for the command.