Class: ChunksToHermesBytecodePlugin


Enable Hermes bytecode compilation for the given chunks. This plugin is intended to be used with the webpack-bundle command. It will transform the bundle into Hermes bytecode and replace the original bundle with the bytecode. It will also compose the source maps generated by webpack and Hermes.

Note: This plugin should only be used for production builds. It is not possible to use this plugin for development builds.

Note: You should exclude index.bundle from being transformed. The index.bundle file is transformed by react-native after enabling Hermes in your project.

example ```js // webpack.config.mjs import * as Repack from '@callstack/repack';

// ... plugins: [ new Repack.ChunksToHermesBytecodePlugin({ enabled: mode === 'production' && !devServer, test: /.(js)?bundle$/, exclude: /index.bundle$/, }), ]

@category Webpack Plugin ## Implements - [`WebpackPlugin`](../interfaces/ ## Table of contents ### Constructors - [constructor](./ ### Methods - [apply](./ ## Constructors ### constructor • **new ChunksToHermesBytecodePlugin**(`config`) #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `config` | `ChunksToHermesBytecodePluginConfig` | #### Defined in [packages/repack/src/webpack/plugins/ChunksToHermesBytecodePlugin/ChunksToHermesBytecodePlugin.ts:76]( ## Methods ### apply ▸ **apply**(`compiler`): `void` Entry point for a plugin. It should perform any kind of setup or initialization hook into compiler's events. #### Parameters | Name | Type | | :------ | :------ | | `compiler` | `Compiler` | #### Returns `void` #### Implementation of [WebpackPlugin](../interfaces/[apply](../interfaces/ #### Defined in [packages/repack/src/webpack/plugins/ChunksToHermesBytecodePlugin/ChunksToHermesBytecodePlugin.ts:78](