Caching and versioning

The caching mechanism in Re.Pack prevents chunk/script/container over-fetching, which helps reducing bandwidth usage, specially since they can easily take up multiple MBs od data.


Automatic caching and versioning applies only to remote chunks, scripts and containers. Local chunks are excluded.

Providing storage options to ChunkManager.configure(...) will enable caching of downloaded chunks/scripts/containers. The storage option accepts anything with similar API to AsyncStorage's getItem, setItem and removeItem functions.

By default, ChunkManager will compare the url returned by resolveRemoteChunk with the values stored in storage to determine if downloading if necessary. Skipping the download will only happen if the values are equal, meaning you can introduce versioning by changing the url, for example:

  storage: AsyncStorage,
  resolveRemoteChunk: async (chunkId) => {
    const { version } = await getRemoteConfig();

    return {
      url: `${version}/${chunkId}`,

Or by keeping the base URL inside remote config:

  storage: AsyncStorage,
  resolveRemoteChunk: async (chunkId) => {
    const { baseURL } = await getRemoteConfig();

    return {
      url: `${baseURL}/${chunkId}`,

Versioning should be use with caution. If you upload a new version of remote chunks/scripts/containers and it happens that old main bundle is not compatible with new files, you might end up with broken application or crashes.

Usually cache invalidation happens automatically, but it's possible to invalidate chunk manually as well using ChunkManager.invalidateChunks(...) API which removes the chunks from filesystem and from the storage.


Be careful what chunks are you manually invalidating - it's possible to remove local chunks from filesystem using this API.